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Website Audit


We are Access by Audit, part of Access by Design

A Website Accessibility Audit for your website is essential.

If you receive public funds, you are required by the UK Government to have an audit. Your website will need to achieve a certain level of compliance. You will also need to have an Accessibility Statement on your website.

If you do not receive public funds, you will need both a website accessibility audit and a website Accessibility Statement. This is to protect you from litigation, if your website is not accessible because it will be breach of the Equality Act.

We have 15 years of experience with website accessibility

We have been building accessible websites that are at the highest level of accessibility since 2006, far exceeding any statutory requirements. We want to help you ensure that your website is accessible to everyone, regardless of their ability or disability.

However, we are not here to encourage you to spend a lot of money on improving your website or spend even more money on a new one. Instead, we want to work alongside you, with your website exactly as it is now. We will perform a comprehensive audit of your website and produce an Accessibility Statement that will protect you from litigation. We could also work alongside your web designers and develop a strategy to improve the accessibility of your website over the longer term, if you would like us to.

Not all accessibility audits are the same!

There are many "accessibility experts" who will run your website through some automated checkers, producing a report and charge you a significant amount of money.

The difficulty with just relying on automated checks is that your website may still break accessibility guidelines and put you in breach of the Equality Act. This is why thorough manual checking is essential. This can only be done properly by someone who has extensive knowledge of accessible website design.

Our new website goes live this week and contains a lot of information that will be valuable to both business owners and website designers. However, you can book yourself in for a free 15-minute consultation today, using the Calendly booking page below. If you have any difficulty in using it, please phone us on +44 (0)1243 776399 (24 hrs) or follow this link to send us an email.

Website accessibility workshop

We also run a monthly workshop on all aspects of website accessibility. Please follow this link to find out more and register your place. It is currently being organised through LinkedIn. Getting your own LinkedIn account, if you do not have one, is free and easy to do.

Website accessibility is an issue that affects every website that the general public has access to. Give yourself true peace of mind by having a professional website accessibility audit and a comprehensive website Accessibility Statement for your website today.

Clive Loseby

Access by Audit

+44 (0)1243 776399 (24 hrs)