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Home » A Step-by-Step Guide to Website Accessibility Audits

A Step-by-Step Guide to Website Accessibility Audits

on February 12, 2024 at 7:40am |Updated on February 9, 2024 at 12:23pm A rabbit is halfway out of a burrow and looking ahead, other rabbits are around it

The Path, to Embracing Digital Inclusivity

In todays age having an online presence is vital for success. It's not just an obligation but a moral duty to ensure that your website is accessible to all users, including those with disabilities. One effective way to evaluate the inclusiveness of your content is by conducting a thorough website accessibility audit. This guide will provide you with step by step instructions on how to perform an accessibility audit and focus on measures to ensure that your website conforms to WCAG 2.2 (Web Content Accessibility Guidelines). By doing you can make sure that your site is user friendly, understandable and navigable for everyone.

Recognizing the Significance of Accessibility Audits

Accessibility audits play a role in identifying any obstacles that may hinder people with disabilities from using your website. These assessments involve comparing the content and design of your website against standards, the WCAG. An internationally recognized benchmark for web accessibility. By conducting these audits businesses can create experiences that appeal to a wider audience while also adhering to legal requirements.

Preparing for Your Accessibility Audit

Before embarking on the audit process it's essential to define its scope and objectives. Determine which specific pages or sections of your website will be audited and establish defined goals, for improving accessibility.
Preparing for an audit is crucial to ensure an effective process.

Choosing the Right Tools

There are tools to aid in accessibility testing ranging from automated web checkers to screen reader software. Automated tools can quickly identify accessibility issues like missing text or insufficient color contrast. However it's important to note that manual testing should also be conducted alongside automated testing to cover all aspects of accessibility.

Manual Testing and Involving Users

Manual testing involves a hands on approach to evaluate the websites accessibility. This can include navigating the site using keyboard shortcuts checking for tab order and ensuring that all content is accessible, without relying on a mouse. Having users with disabilities involved in the testing process can provide insights into the user experience. Help identify issues that may be missed by automated tools.

Conducting the Audit

The audit process entails an examination of your website assessing elements based on WCAG guidelines. Here are some key areas to focus on;


Ensure that your website can be easily navigated using a keyboard. This involves checking for a tab order making sure all interactive elements are reachable and usable and providing skip links, for bypassing content.

Text Alternatives

It's important to provide text alternatives, for all text content, such as images, videos and audio. This allows people who rely on screen readers to understand the content.

Contrasting Colours

Make sure there is contrast between the text and its background so that people with color vision deficiencies can easily perceive the information. The Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) recommend a contrast ratio for text and images of text.

User Friendly Forms

Design forms in a way that makes them accessible with labels, error messages and instructions. This ensures that users can independently fill out and submit forms.

Using ARIA (Accessible Rich Internet Applications)

Consider incorporating roles, states and properties to improve the accessibility of content and complex web components.

Reporting and Action Plan

Once you have completed the audit compile your findings into a report. This report should include details of identified issues their impact on users and recommended actions to resolve these problems. Prioritize the issues based on their severity and impact on user experience.

Creating an action plan is crucial, at this stage. The plan should outline tasks assign responsibilities to individuals or teams involved in implementation and set deadlines for making changes.
Ongoing compliance requires monitoring and regular re auditing to address any issues that may arise as your website evolves.

In conclusion

Conducting a website accessibility audit is a step, towards achieving inclusion. It ensures that your digital content is accessible to all users regardless of their abilities. By embracing design principles and regularly carrying out accessibility audits businesses can improve user experience reach an audience and demonstrate their commitment to equality and inclusion in the digital realm. Remember, accessibility is not a one time task but an ongoing effort to create an online environment for everyone.

Image Caption; A rabbit sticking its head out of a burrow with rabbits

Would you like to learn more?

If you're interested in understanding website accessibility please explore the following links;

Discuss the possibility of conducting an accessibility audit for your website.
Watch my TED Talk on this topic.
Schedule a 1 hour consultation on any aspect of website accessibility.

Clive Loseby
Access by Design

Creating Beautiful WCAG Compliant and Accessible Website Designs
Providing Outstanding WCAG 2.2 Website Accessibility Audits
Award winning Web Design, in Chichester