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A simple analogy

A simple analogy

Imagine your entire business is represented by this building. Caption: A photo of an old building in a London High Street. It has steps in... read more »

If you widen your doorway, everyone benefits!

If you widen your doorway, everyone benefits!

If you have a narrow door, someone in a wheelchair may not be able to get through it.If you have a wide... read more »

Allow me to introduce my amazing Website Accessibility Audit Team!

Allow me to introduce my amazing Website Accessibility Audit Team!

This is my amazing Team! Did you know they all have superpowers? These superpowers give them the most incredible abilities. They can find issues with websites that... read more »

Why the Tabbing Order is Important

Why the Tabbing Order is Important

Why do we use the tab key? If you are disabled, you will sometimes have to resort to using the tab key to navigate through... read more »

3 things to consider when commissioning an accessibility audit of your website

3 things to consider when commissioning an accessibility audit of your website

There are a lot of agencies and individuals who offer website accessibility audits. It can be confusing to know which one to choose, especially... read more »

Website Accessibility Workshop

Website Accessibility Workshop

We are hosting another website accessibility workshop on Weds 4th August at 4pm, there is limited availability so book now.Registration is free. you have... read more »

Everything you need to know in one video!

Everything you need to know in one video!

A few weeks ago, I was fortunate enough interviewed by the wonderful Jill Wilson from the Equality Practice. She had heard that Website Accessibility... read more »

The thing about film critics

The thing about film critics

How many film critics are there who have actually made a movie? Film critics are generally respected and their views on a film can make... read more »

When is an audit not an audit

When is an audit not an audit

When you hear the word audit, what do you think of? What are the words that come to mind? Detailed? Thorough? Comprehensive? You might... read more »

Inclusion means different things to different people

Inclusion means different things to different people

What does inclusivity mean to you? Including everyone? Of course, what else could it mean?Recently I attended a webinar on inclusivity. There were several... read more »