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Which investment would you prefer for the same website accessibility audit?

on September 10, 2023 at 8:47am |Updated on February 26, 2024 at 1:59pm How much would you rather spend on exactly the same audit? Option A is next to a bag of money. Option B is next to 5 bags of money. You choose

Legal actions are already underway

Recently, I've had the privilege of collaborating with a client, conducting an in-depth accessibility audit of their website. Regrettably, they find themselves entangled in a legal dispute due to the inaccessibility of their website to disabled individuals. They've enlisted my expertise to not only discern the issues but also to chart a path toward rectifying them.

This comprehensive audit meticulously documents the website's shortcomings while presenting viable alternatives during the process of achieving accessibility. The insights from this audit have been woven into the accessibility statement I've crafted for them.

They are now protected from future action

Upon the implementation of my accessibility statement on their website, they will find themselves shielded from any potential future legal actions. It stands as an open acknowledgement of the challenges disabled individuals might face and offers constructive pathways to assistance.

However, it's essential to note that the current legal claim remains unaffected by these measures. The settlement, inclusive of legal expenses, is projected to be nearly four times the cost of the initial audit. And that audit cost is an additional expenditure.

In essence, the ultimate outcome—website accessibility—is constant, but the financial implications have soared to fivefold the initial expenditure. The question then becomes, which option would you prefer?

[Caption]: The infographic presents two options. Option A features a single bag of money, while Option B showcases five bags of money. Beneath it reads the phrase "You choose."

For more insights, you can explore my TED Talk

If you're considering an accessibility audit for your own website, I invite you to initiate a discussion through this link to an Accessibility Audit Consultation

Furthermore, if you seek a one-hour consultation, you can schedule one by following this link to book