The Access by Design Website Accessibility Audit Team: Krista (Superpower: Blind, Weapon: JAWs Screen Reader),  Mede (Superpower: Blind, Weapon: JAWs Screen Reader),  Iona (Superpower: Cannot use hands, Weapon: Dragon Dictation),  Sara (Superpower: Neurodivergent, Weapon: Dark Mode), Lleona (Superpower: Blind, Weapon: NVDA Screen Reader),
Home » The Importance of Using Disabled People in Website Accessibility Audits

The Importance of Using Disabled People in Website Accessibility Audits

on February 3, 2024 at 7:54am |Updated on February 9, 2024 at 7:33pm

We are fortunate to have a team dedicated to website accessibility testing.

They collaborate with us on all our WCAG 2.2 Website Accessibility Audits.

This blog post delves into the importance of their role, in our work.

Website accessibility audits play a role in ensuring that digital platforms are accessible to everyone, including individuals with disabilities.

While automated tools and expert evaluations are commonly used to assess accessibility, involving individuals in the audit process offers invaluable insights and perspectives.

In this article we discuss why it is crucial to include individuals in website accessibility audits and the benefits it brings.

Insights from Real World User Experience

One of the advantages of involving individuals in website accessibility audits is gaining first hand insights into their user experience.

While automated tools can detect issues they often fail to capture the nuanced challenges faced by individuals with disabilities when navigating websites.

By involving individuals in the audit process website owners and developers gain valuable insights into how usable their platforms are from the perspective of those who rely on assistive technologies or have specific accessibility needs.

Uncovering Hidden Barriers

individuals possess an ability to identify hidden barriers that may not be apparent through automated testing or expert evaluations alone.

These barriers can range from navigation challenges to issues, with form fields, multimedia content or interactive elements.

By involving individuals, with disabilities in the evaluation of website accessibility organizations can.

Address any overlooked accessibility issues ensuring that their platforms are truly inclusive and barrier free for all users.

Validating Accessibility Solutions

Including individuals in website accessibility audits also provides an opportunity to validate the effectiveness of implemented accessibility solutions and improvements.

By seeking feedback from participants with disabilities organizations can evaluate features like text for images keyboard navigation and compatibility with screen readers.

This validation process ensures that accessibility enhancements adequately meet the needs of users and contribute to an inclusive user experience.

Promoting User Centered Design

Incorporating individuals into website accessibility audits promotes a user centered approach to design and development.

By involving users with disabilities in the evaluation process website creators gain insights into the diverse needs and preferences of their audience.

This firsthand feedback influences design decisions and prioritizes features that enhance both accessibility and usability for users.

By placing individuals at the forefront of the design process organizations create experiences that are truly inclusive and user friendly for everyone.

Empowerment and Advocacy

Participating in website accessibility audits empowers individuals with disabilities to advocate for their rights and influence positive changes, in accessibility standards.

By participating in the audit process individuals, with disabilities have a platform to express their concerns share their experiences and advocate for improvements that enhance accessibility and inclusivity.

This collaborative approach empowers disabled individuals.

Strengthens their role as advocates for accessibility in the wider community.

Adhering to Accessibility Guidelines

Incorporating the insights of individuals into website accessibility audits helps organizations ensure compliance with accessibility guidelines and standards such as the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG 2.2).

While automated testing tools and expert evaluations play a role in the audit process they may not capture all the accessibility issues faced by disabled users.

Involving participants demonstrates a commitment to understanding and addressing real world accessibility challenges faced by their audience.

This promotes compliance with accessibility guidelines and fosters an inclusive web environment.

Understanding and Respecting Different Cultures

When it comes to website accessibility audits it's not a matter of checking off boxes.

It's, about promoting understanding and respect among website creators and developers.

By involving individuals with disabilities in these audits organizations gain insights into the needs, preferences and experiences of people facing disabilities.

This direct interaction helps build empathy raise awareness and foster an understanding of the challenges that users encounter when accessing content and services.

By fostering an inclusive and sensitive environment organizations can create experiences that honor.

Accommodate the requirements of all users.

In Conclusion

To ensure that digital platforms are accessible to everyone it is crucial to include individuals with disabilities in website accessibility audits.

Their firsthand experience as users allows them to provide insights identify hidden barriers advocate for user design validate accessibility solutions ensure compliance with accessibility guidelines and cultivate expertise and sensitivity.

All these factors play a role in shaping the accessibility of environments.

As we strive to build a web that prioritizes inclusivity involving individuals with disabilities in website accessibility audits remains essential for empowering all users diverse needs.

Please don't hesitate to contact us if you would like information, about conducting an accessibility audit.

Clive Loseby

Access, by Design / Access by Audit

We create appealing websites that meet the requirements of WCAG 2.2 ensuring accessibility for all users.

Our comprehensive Website Accessibility Audits include testing to ensure accessibility for people, with disabilities.