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Home » Navigating the Internet: Overcoming the Accessibility Challenge of Keyboard Navigation

Navigating the Internet: Overcoming the Accessibility Challenge of Keyboard Navigation

on February 15, 2024 at 7:28am |Updated on May 22, 2024 at 10:04am A computer keyboard looks like it has melted. The keys are wonky in places and most of the keys markings on them that do not make sense

In today's digital age, it's not just morally right but legally mandated to ensure website accessibility for all users, including those with disabilities. Yet, many websites still fall short in providing essential accessibility features, such as keyboard navigation, creating unintentional barriers to inclusivity in web design.

Understanding Accessibility Audits, Website Accessibility Testing, and the Requirements for Website Accessibility WCAG Compliance sheds light on why neglecting keyboard navigation is such a prevalent issue and its profound impact on web accessibility. 

Disregarding the Needs of Users with Disabilities

A lack of awareness or consideration for users with disabilities often leads to websites neglecting keyboard navigation. Those who cannot use a mouse due to physical impairments rely heavily on keyboard navigation to access content. Designing websites without considering these users creates unintended barriers, contradicting the fundamental goals of web design.

Misinterpreting Web Accessibility Requirements

Misunderstandings among web designers and developers regarding web accessibility requirements contribute to the problem. Despite clear guidelines emphasising the importance of keyboard navigability in the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG), these guidelines are frequently disregarded. Consequently, visually appealing websites may fail to accommodate users who rely on keyboard navigation, reflecting a gap in the industry's understanding and implementation of accessibility standards.

Challenges in Implementing Keyboard Navigation

Implementing effective keyboard navigation can be technically challenging for websites with dynamic content and complex structures. It necessitates meticulous design and development practices to ensure all interactive elements are accessible and usable via keyboard. Without prioritising accessibility, these complexities often result in incomplete or overlooked implementations.

Insufficient Accessibility Testing

Comprehensive accessibility audits, including testing for keyboard navigability, are essential for identifying and addressing issues. However, many websites forego such testing, relying solely on automated tools that may not detect all keyboard navigation issues. Consequently, a significant portion of the population, reliant on keyboard navigation, is left unable to access these websites.

The Impact of Modern Web Technologies

While modern web technologies enable interactive experiences, they also pose challenges for keyboard navigation. Custom controls and complex interfaces often lack the necessary HTML and ARIA roles for proper keyboard accessibility. Developers must understand these technologies' impact on accessibility to avoid creating obstacles for keyboard users.

Balancing Aesthetics and Accessibility

In pursuit of visually appealing designs, functionality, including accessibility, sometimes takes a backseat. Design choices may compromise keyboard navigation, using controls or navigation patterns unfriendly to keyboard users. Striking a balance between aesthetics and accessibility is crucial for creating inclusive websites.

Consequences of Neglecting Keyboard Navigation

Neglecting keyboard navigation not only excludes users with disabilities but also leads to compliance issues and reputational harm for organisations. It hinders inclusivity by limiting the reach and impact of online content and services.

Addressing the Issue

Addressing the neglect of keyboard navigation requires a comprehensive approach, including increasing awareness, providing education and resources to web professionals, and integrating accessibility testing into the web development process. Conducting accessibility audits and rigorous testing are crucial steps in ensuring compliance with WCAG guidelines and improving real-world usability.


Prioritising accessibility in web design is essential for creating an internet accessible to all users. By understanding the reasons behind neglecting keyboard navigation and adopting inclusive design practices, developers and designers can build websites that cater to everyone. Let's prioritize accessibility as an integral component of web design, ensuring everyone can navigate the web independently and freely.

Schedule a 1 hour consultation on any aspect of website accessibility.