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Home » Why Most Websites Fail Accessibility Through Poor Colour Contrast

Why Most Websites Fail Accessibility Through Poor Colour Contrast

on February 13, 2024 at 7:50am |Updated on February 9, 2024 at 12:23pm 6 vertical bands of colours fanning out from the bottom. Red, yellow, lighjt green, dark green, dark blue and light blue

The Challenge of Colour Contrast

Ensuring inclusivity in today's world is extremely important. Despite the growing awareness and implementation of guidelines, many websites still do not make their content accessible to all users. One significant issue that contributes to this problem is the neglect of colour contrast in web design. This often leads to websites that are challenging or even impossible for many users to navigate and comprehend. In this blog post, we will delve into why inadequate colour contrast poses such a problem and how it affects website accessibility. Our focus will be on Accessibility Audits, Website Accessibility Audits, Accessibility Testing, and Website Accessibility WCAG Compliance.

Underestimating the Impact on Users with Visual Impairments

One of the reasons why websites fail to meet accessibility standards regarding colour contrast is because designers underestimate how these choices impact impaired users. Visual impairments like colour blindness and low vision greatly affect how content is perceived. Having a contrast between text and background is essential for readability. However, designers often prioritize aesthetics over accessibility, leaving users struggling to comprehend the content.

Lack of Awareness and Understanding

A major obstacle in achieving colour contrast in web design lies in the lack of knowledge and understanding among designers and developers regarding accessibility guidelines. The Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) establish standards for ensuring that text is easily distinguishable from its background by specifying colour contrast ratios. However, designers who lack an understanding of these guidelines and the importance of compliance may unintentionally choose colour schemes that do not meet the standards. This can compromise the accessibility of their websites.

Misunderstanding the Balance Between Aesthetic Design and Functionality

There is a misconception within the web design community that prioritising accessibility detracts from appeal. This misconception often leads to design choices that prioritize colour schemes and visual effects over text. As a result, websites may look attractive but remain inaccessible to a portion of users. Addressing this misunderstanding emphasizes the significance of education and advocacy in promoting an understanding that accessibility and aesthetics can go hand in hand in web design.

Insufficient Accessibility Testing

Another critical issue is the integration of accessibility testing throughout the design and development process. While some websites undergo checks for functionality and user experience, accessibility testing regarding colour contrast is frequently overlooked. There are tools and methodologies for evaluating colour contrast; however, they are frequently underutilised. Without testing, problems related to colour contrast can easily go unnoticed until they start impacting users.

Neglecting the needs of individuals and users with temporary impairments

Web accessibility goes beyond catering to disabilities; it also takes into account the needs of older individuals and those who have temporary impairments. As people age, their eyesight naturally weakens, making it harder for them to read text with contrast. Similarly, users who are temporarily dealing with issues like screen glare or a minor eye injury may also face difficulties due to colour contrast. When websites overlook these groups, they unintentionally exclude a range of people from accessing their content.

The challenge of balancing brand identity

Many companies have brand guidelines that include colour schemes that define their identity. However, these brand colours may not have been selected with accessibility in mind. This presents a dilemma where maintaining brand identity clashes with ensuring website accessibility. Consequently, websites often prioritise adherence to brand guidelines over considerations for colour contrast and overall accessibility.


The matter of colour contrast on websites poses a barrier to achieving web accessibility. It stems from factors such as understanding of how visual impairments affect users, lack of awareness about accessibility guidelines, misconceptions about design aesthetics, inadequate testing for accessibility concerns, and the challenge of striking a balance between brand identity and accessibility requirements. In order to address this issue, it is crucial for designers, developers, and website owners to prioritise accessibility audits during the web design process. This includes conducting tests to ensure colour contrast. By embracing design principles and understanding the importance of colour contrast, we can work towards building a world where websites are accessible to everyone regardless of their visual abilities. Achieving WCAG compliance for website accessibility goes beyond meeting the requirements; it entails extending a welcome to all users in the realm and ensuring that everyone can fully engage in the online experience on an equal level.

Are you interested in learning more?

Let's discuss carrying out an accessibility audit for your website

or scheduling a one-hour consultation on any aspect related to website accessibility.

Clive Loseby

Access by Design / Access by Audit

Creating WCAG Compliant Websites that Balance Accessibility with Beautiful Design

Always Providing Exceptional WCAG 2.2 Website Accessibility Audits